So it dumped a foot and a half of pow-pow- and I had nobody to go tow laps with. I wasn’t gonna let fresh pow in May go to waste so I saddled up solo with my snowboard, surfboard, and camera and headed west (of the parking lot). I arrived to light dry pow that was dificult to snowmobile in and not super stable sitting on a solid melt/freeze crust. So i decided not to try hiking up anything or snowboarding any of the usual stuff since I was by myself and didn’t feel like dying in an avalanche. Instead I would ghost ride my sled to get up to the tops and surf my way down. I found a bunch of pretty cool features- a baby step-up, some windlip slashers, a hip style booter, and a cornice to drop.
Test droppin the cornice.
My landing kept avalanching away- after each drop I had to go bigger to make it to the pow.
By the time I got to this slasher the sun had taken the “lightNdry” out of the pow-pow.
After slamming like 6 times trying to kickflip this step up I finally settled for the fs air.
1st Kickflip on surfboard.
I almost knocked my teeth out trying to get this 360 shovit.
So it turned out to be a pretty fun day for riding by myself. I managed to take some really hard slams but that is the nature of our new little sport. It ain’t stuck to your feet! I vowed to return and pull a 360 shovit before the season is up. Hopefully we get another powder day before its all done this year. Pray for Snow!