Did he land that kickflip? You never really know with still shots… Here’s the story behind the still shot on the cover of Starfish Magazine 2012 Interview Edition. Check the 8 page interview inside with Grassroots Powdersurfing Founder Jeremy Jensen. http://powsurf.blogspot.com/2012/03/jeremy-jensen-interview-starfish.html

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The Powsurf section from “Powder-Day Saints – The Second Coming”

This is different from noboarding and different from snurfing… This is true binding free powder riding made possible through boards that are designed to ride powder in a new way. This is Powdersurfing.

Alta is for Powsurfers!

Pre-Rapture powsurfing at my favorite “skiers only” resort.
Alta, Utah May 20th 2011

Since some religious wacko has forecasted the world’s end on the 21st of May, I figured I’d better go snag some “forbidden fruit” on the slopes of Alta. Waist deep pow in late May!?… Perhaps the world has already ended and I am in heaven.

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Messing around in the slush.