2019-20 Splitsurfer Pre-Order Details

2019-20 Splitsurfer pre-order details.

Our splitsurfers are available by PRE-ORDER ONLY.  Orders can be made by emailing [email protected] with your information and your $300 deposit is due by September 30, 2019.

Please let us know what Model, size and shape you would like as well as if you’d like to purchase our ascent bindings, skins or upgrade to Spark Components. 

We have a few binding solutions available, each with give and take in terms of lightness/packability/performance. Your binding decision should be based on the type of terrain & conditions you plan to splitsurf in.  See below for the breakdown and description of binding options and pricing.


2019-20 “Classic” Model Splitsurfer (includes powsurf & mounting hardware)


Classic Splitsurfer – $749.99

  • Weighs about 1-1.5 lbs heavier than a standard solid powsurfer
  •  Includes Voile toe and heel inserts & Karakoram clips
  • Upgradeable to Spark R&D components for extra cost
  • Reinforced with carbon
  • 3-dimensional sintered p-tex base

The “Classic” splitsurfer weighs only about 1lb-1.5lb more than our solid powsurfers. The Ultralight Ascent Binding’s we offer are very light and extremely compact, stashing easily into any size of pack or even some pockets for the surf back down. These ascent bindings are for uphill travel only. Our 2019-20 Classic Splitsurfer comes stock with Karakoram Ultra clips and voile Toe/Heel pieces. They can also be configured with Spark R&D hardware to match our Ultralight Ascent Spark R&D binding or the full Spark binding. Cost for the board is $749.99 and does not include climbing skins and ascent bindings.

Climbing Skins

The Voile climbing skins are the best fit for our splitsurfers. Most other skins WILL NOT FIT. We offer the Voile climbing skins and tail clips for sale with our boards.  Voile skins with tail clips = $185  

Available Board Shape & Size Options

We personally recommend the 150cm Flying Carpet 3D shape as it is a very versatile board and lends itself well to the ascent as well as the descent. If you’d prefer a 140cm length we recommend the 140cm Flying Carpet 3D shape for best results.

Other available shapes for 2020:

140cm Slasher 3D shape

140cm Barracuda 3D shape

150cm Barracuda 3D shape

140cm Flying Carpet 3D shape

150cm Flying Carpet 3D shape

Binding Options – Classic Splitsurfer


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Ultralight Ascent Binding for Voile Interface = $189.95   

  • Compatible with Voile toe/heel hardware.
  • 1.5 lbs. (710 grams) Extremely light, small and packable ascent binding. 
  • Cost effective, minimalist solution.
  • Perfect solution for travel in powder, slush and soft snow conditions
  • Marginal edge leverage on steep & icy side-hill areas. Leverage increases when using a snowboard boot and decreases if using sorrels or softer boot. We advise avoidance of steep or icy sidehills with this binding.

**Side-hill leverage/performance varies depending on stiffness of boot. Leverage decreases if using sorrels or softer boot.



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Ultralight Spark R&D Ascent Binding=  $314.95    

  • Compatible with Spark R&D toe/heel hardware.
  • 1.4 lbs (640 grams) Extremely light, small and packable ascent binding.
  • Comfortable on your feet for very long tours.
  • Price incluces Spark R&D Toe & Heel hardware installed on board.
  • Marginal edge leverage on steep & icy side-hill areas. Slightly better leverage than the Voile compatible binding. Leverage increases when using a snowboard boot and decreases if using sorrels or softer boot. We advise avoidance of steep or icy sidehills with this binding.

**Side-hill leverage/performance varies depending on stiffness of boot. Leverage decreases if using sorrels or softer boot.


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Spark R&D Arc Bindings – Standard Straps and Highbacks = $385   

  • 3 lbs. Medium sized (smaller than Light Rail) and will fit into most medium/large sized packs.
  • Best performance for edge leverage on steep, packed or icy side-hill skin tracks.
  • Standard Spark Arc Binding with Standard straps.

**Best performance when used with a snowboard boot. Side-hill performance decreases if using sorrels or softer boot.


[ezcol_1quarter][/ezcol_1quarter] [ezcol_3quarter_end]

Voile Light Rail Bindings = $275   

  • 4 lbs.  Fits into most medium/large packs.
  • Best performance in edge leverage on steep, packed or icy side-hill skin tracks.

**Best performance when used with a snowboard boot. Side-hill performance drops if using sorrels or softer boot

[/ezcol_3quarter_end]If you prefer your existing bindings we offer the following accesories:

Voile plates and pins for your own binding/straps = $60



We have many backcountry touring solutions available on our webstore. The Splitsurfer may not be the best solution for you and your environment so browse our online shop to find the best powsurfer and mode of backcountry travel to fit your needs.


Our Splitsurfers are a solution that will work great for some riders, but unnecessary for others. It really depends on the terrain that you frequent and the type of access you have. For tours that cover a lot of terrain and travel through very deep snow the split-surfer is a great solution. However, often times shorter roadside hikes and smaller sections of terrain can be lapped more easily on a boot pack for more bang for your buck. Use of Verts (special style of snowshoe available in our web-store) is the most efficient for these areas and use of a split-surfer would result in a lot of time changing modes and fiddling with equipment, whereas with a solid powsurfer and Verts you would spend that time riding and having fun.

The Splitsurfer may not be the best solution for you. Browse our online shop to find the best powsurfer and mode of backcountry travel to fit your needs