Entries by Jeremy Jensen

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Kronicle Magazine – Powsurfing Article

The premier issue of Kronicle Magazine is out and Grassroots Powdersurfing is stoked to have some content in the magazine!  Check out the “Primal Pow”story for the goods! When Kronicle Magazine contacted me about running a story on our boards I was stoked to say the least.  This would be the debut issue for a new magazine focused purely […]

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“Surfing Powder…. Literally” – Powder Propaganda

A nice little write up on Grassroots Powdersurfing in “Powder Propaganda” called “Surfing Powder…. Literally” There are a few inaccurate lines in there, but what can you do.  It seems that many journalists don’t want to send out proofs before they publish.. but I think if they did things would work out better for everyone! […]

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Follow the Snurf – Powdersurfing some serious vert at Retallack Lodge.

Ian and Neil posted this edit the other day.  I’m always stoked on the Provo Bros edits, no matter if they are skiing, snowboarding, fishing, or powdersurfing.  Good dudes doing what they love… I’m all about it. If anyone was wondering how our Grassroots Powdersurfers handle the deep and light pow in some steep lines, look no […]

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Method Magazine – “This shit is as real as it gets, kids”

Methodmag.com did us the honor of sharing our teaser for the Powsurf Chronicles.  It’s refreshing when the more legit outlets see our stuff and recognize out-right what separates what we do from the “noboarding” movement.  No training wheels here… “This Shit is as real as it gets, kids”….. we couldn’t have said it better ourselves.


November 2011 in a nutshell – MEGA POST

November dealt us quite a few storms early on, and then things dried out for a few weeks.  We had 3 feet or so come quick but with little to no base this still made for low tide conditions.  This time of year is rad because there are so many little features and bumps that […]

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The Powsurf Chronicles – Teaser is out!

Introducing “The Powsurf Chronicles” a series of short films about powsurfing.  We will be dropping Chronicles throughout the winter season to keep the stoke running high and share with our audience the things that set Grassroots Powdersurfing (and powsurfing in general) apart from the rest of the world of snow sports. The teaser is just […]

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Radio Interview with The Ogden Outdoor Adventure Show

I received an email from Brandon Long with the Ogden Outdoor Adventure show requesting a radio interview.  He wanted to talk about Grassroots Powdersurfing…. the boards, the history, and the future. CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO HEAR THE INTERVIEW.Jeremy Jensen interview – Grassroots Powdersurfing Link the the blog post on Odgen Outdoor Adventure site: Big […]