Entries by Jeremy Jensen


Easter Weekend Offerings – Day 2

So much powder to slash – so little time Day 2 of Easter weekend greeted us with blue skies and nice cool temps again. We rallied up to a familiar zone and bagged a few long north facing lines to start off the morning. Slashed a few lips, popped some ollies, shredded some ditches and […]


Easter Weekend Offerings – Day 1

Fresh snow and cooler temps kept the powdersurfing conditions epic throughout the Easter weekend. We actually had 3 bluebird days in a row! I think that is a first for this season. (it’s been snowy as hell this winter) A few powsurf first descents went down on friday on some bigger and more exposed lines. […]


Spring Waves

This season just keeps dishing up the goods and of course we keep on slashing away at them. April has brought us a steady flow of fresh powder with very few breaks in the clouds. This means less bluebird days but at least the quality of powder remains light and dry. We have been forced […]

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Powsurfing the “Secret Bowl”

“Secret Bowl” – One of my all time favorite zones. The view from the top The view from the bottom Today was the perfect day for a first decsent of the northeast face of “Secret Bowl”. I powsurfed the north face of the bowl a couple of years ago as well as last year and […]

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120cm Powder Skate – Slaying the deep pow.

I keep getting requests from people for longer boards… trust me, you don’t need the giant board that you think you might want! Our boards are designed to be much shorter than snowboards for a number of reasons and as you can see even the shortest board we make dominates the deep & light pow. […]



I’m loving how powsurfing has opened up so much new terrain to play in and on. Features that we would normally disregard have become the source of all sorts of good times. It really makes you look at the mountain differently and opens up new worlds of possibilities. I’ve been driving by this feature for […]

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Frequency – The Snowboarders Journal are on track.  Thanks for spreading the good word! http://www.frqncy.com/news/2012/01/15/the-powsurf-chronicles-episode-1 http://www.frqncy.com/news/2012/03/12/powsurf-chronicles-episode-2-goods-in-the-woods http://www.frqncy.com/news/2012/03/12/powsurf-chronicles-episode-2-goods-in-the-woods


Non-stop powduh

The powder has been stacking up deep this year… the big boards have been seeing quite a bit of action. This winter has been relentless. A constant flow of storms has kept us riding fresh pow every time we get out. Sunny days have been few and far between but the quality of snow has […]

Shape Shack

I’ve been cranking em out as fast as I can. Somehow I find enjoyment working in a tiny garage in sub zero temperatures. So many conditions…. so many boards You can come close but when it comes down to it, there is no perfect all around shape and size that will dominate every condition out […]


Full Steam

The latest round of boards, hot off the press. – The “powder skate”, “slasher”, “slasher 140” and “Powder Shark 140” The recent lack of posts on the blog is certainly not a reflection of a lack of riding this season. Footage and photos are stacking up so fast I can hardly keep up. R&D on […]