Entries by Jeremy Jensen


Grassroots Wooden Classics

Many of these babies were actually handcrafted over a year ago and they were just too beautiful to let go.  I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to powsurfers, my house and walls are littered with them. It drives my wife absolutely crazy. Fortunately she sees the long hours and sleepless nights […]


Specialty Powsurfers Released!

We’ve been having so much fun riding these shapes that we started to feel guilty keeping them all to ourselves. So 2013-14 is your lucky season! We are stoked to make these unique shapes available to the rest of the powsurfing community. Each board was designed and shaped by Jeremy Jensen and they handmade with […]

Graphics for the 2014 Line of Stock Powsurfers

We couldn’t be more stoked on the new graphics for this season’s boards.  We have collaborated with some brilliant artists in the US and Canada to give this year’s powsurfers a great new look.  The “stock” line consists of our best selling shapes that we have offered over the years.  The Powder Skate Twin, the […]

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Jeremy Jensen interview with Kronicle Magazine

If you haven’t checked out Kronicle backcountry snowboard magazine yet then you are missing out.  This is a great magazine, packed full of mouth watering photography, backcountry gear reviews and great stories.  This mag is geared towards people who love exploring the backcountry and riding fresh pow. We highly recommend buying a copy or two […]


Vermont boys slashing up the “Backwoods” out east.

Our friend Nick Stefani put this little ditty together from a cabin trip in VT this season.  Nick’s skills on the hills and behind the lens speak for themselves. Check it! Backwoods from Nick Stefani on Vimeo. Check out Nick’s reel and more of his work at http://vimeo.com/30571983


SIA Denver – Grassroots Style

The Snowsports industry tradeshow is always a hoot. All your favorite super heroes are there, the latest and greatest technology is revealed (usually a re-packaged form of old technology under a new name) and the hype machines are running full steam.  All the big companies fight for attention using whatever gimmicks they can pull…  free […]