Entries by Jeremy Jensen

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Solstice Powsurf Session 2012

While some of the world hunkered down to prepare for armageddon, the Grassroots crew headed into the hills to celebrate the solstice the best we know how, by enjoying life to the fullest.  A fresh couple of feet had fallen over the past couple of days and the skies turned blue for us.  The shortest […]

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Jeremy Jensen Interview on Salty Peaks Blog

We are stoked to have the support of more and more shops around the world.  Salty Peaks has been a leading retailer in the industry for decades and we are proud to have our products on the shelves and in the museum.  Check the Salty Peaks interview with Jeremy Jensen (founder/owner) of Grassroots Powdersurfing, pics […]

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Bryan Iguchi slaying the WY backcountry on his Grassroots Powsurfer

Bryan Iguchi can hold his own on any board.  He kills it when it comes to snowboarding, skateboarding, surfing, and of course… powdersurfing.  The man is a straight up legend on so many fronts.  We are stoked to have Bryan backing our boards!  Peep this quick run in the JH backcountry with The Guch and […]