Castle Rock – Untouched!
We started the day off snowboarding (aaron was skiing) so we could take full advantage of all the terrain as best we could. Adrenaline was pumping all morning.. My legs and hands were shaking after every run. These lines really get your heart going, especially once you enter the ampitheater. The already steep hillside just rolls away out of sight and you have to be 100% committed or you are probably going to eat shit hard.

We pretty much had our way with this zone all day but I had to get one more …. without the aid of bindings.

This is one of my favorite snowboarding runs. Long, steep and exposed… I was stoked be the first to ever shred this line on the powdersurf board. (today was my second run on it) My choice of deck was the “Sardine”. A directional board that is pretty skinny compared to most of my boards. It was definitely the board of choice today because the snow was barely deep enough to be able to turn in.
I went for the bomb drop off the top and slammed pretty good, the landing was much flatter than it looked… Oh well, the last 1000 feet of my run was epic. The snow was slightly variable and that can be really tough without bindings. I made almost all the way down before taking two of the hardest slams I have taken all year. Full body slam while hauling top speed… my brain shook around in my head like jello- ouch.

Jeremy – Bindingless…Ready for takeoff…

Bombs away

I didn’t feel too bad about slamming on the bomb drop as I slashed mad pow the rest of the way down….this shit is like therapy.

…..we don’t need no stinking bindings!!!!
We decided to powdersurf for the rest of the afternoon. It was pretty fun but the variable snow conditions gave us quite a bit of hell. Lots of slamming.
Craig- slashing

So after 12 hours of killing it I was pretty pooped. This was certainly one of those days I will remember for a while.

The first day shredding as a 34 year old was a pretty good one. It started off as a semi-cloudy day over in the mini-golf sector. Dunker, Grings, and I arrived at the top (we were doing the triple tow-up) ready to kill it. I dropped in and headed straight for “Bill” (a cliff that we like to hit). “Bill” was actually bigger than I have ever seen it and the take-off was lookin good from the bottom so I charged straight for it and stuck a BS 360 indy off it just to prove to myself that I wasn’t “too old”. We took one more run at minigolf as the clouds and snow moved in. We moved our base camp over to the White Pine Woods and proceeded to slash the hell out of that zone on my powsurf boards. I took a couple runs on Dunkers bindingless “Banana hammock” – it was fun but not as fun as riding my powsurf boards. I experimented with my Canon 7D on a monopod getting some POV action. It turned out pretty sick. Peep the video below for some action…

After 4-5 bindingless runs we decided to strap back into our snowboards and proceed to slash more pow.
Good friends and good snow… that’s all I really wanted for my Birthday.
Peep the footy:

The first day shredding as a 34 year old was a pretty good one. It started off as a semi-cloudy day over in the mini-golf sector. Dunker, Grings, and I arrived at the top (we were doing the triple tow-up) ready to kill it. I dropped in and headed straight for “Bill” (a cliff that we like to hit). “Bill” was actually bigger than I have ever seen it and the take-off was lookin good from the bottom so I charged straight for it and stuck a BS 360 indy off it just to prove to myself that I wasn’t “too old”. We took one more run at minigolf as the clouds and snow moved in. We moved our base camp over to the White Pine Woods and proceeded to slash the hell out of that zone on my powsurf boards. I took a couple runs on Dunkers bindingless “Banana hammock” – it was fun but not as fun as riding my powsurf boards. I experimented with my Canon 7D on a monopod getting some POV action. It turned out pretty sick. Peep the video below for some action…

After 4-5 bindingless runs we decided to strap back into our snowboards and proceed to slash more pow.
Good friends and good snow… that’s all I really wanted for my Birthday.
Peep the footy:

Behold the first ever powdersurf split-board

I finally finished my first (and possibly the world’s first) split Powdersurf board. I can’t wait to try this bad boy out. Hippies will be tripping balls when they see me blow by them on this little unit.

The wife was not stoked on this mess.

The ride up
I ripped 6 backsides at the beav today on my powsurf. It was nothing short of epic. The foot and a half of pow made for nearly ideal conditions. Big thanks to Travis and Nick for catering to my needs and letting me ride the lift. Bindingless boards of any kind are strictly forbidden on the front side of the beav- but they let me have my way with the backcountry.

I shot a couple of runs POV style (if you think riding without bindings is tough try filming yourself riding without bindings) and they actually came out pretty sick. I get alot of weird looks and strange comments – “what the hell is that thing?” is a pretty common one. Pretty much anyone picking me up on the hitch hike back up thought I was nuts.
Make no mistake- this powsurfing stuff is for real. I cannot believe how much fun I had. No desire to even ride my snowboard in this type of terrain. I can’t wait for next time.
chillin at the backside tree about to drop in.
Buzz helped me out and did a little filming for a run – this made the riding much better for me without a backpack and a camera in my hand. I will post the footy asap.

The ride up
I ripped 6 backsides at the beav today on my powsurf. It was nothing short of epic. The foot and a half of pow made for nearly ideal conditions. Big thanks to Travis and Nick for catering to my needs and letting me ride the lift. Bindingless boards of any kind are strictly forbidden on the front side of the beav- but they let me have my way with the backcountry.

I shot a couple of runs POV style (if you think riding without bindings is tough try filming yourself riding without bindings) and they actually came out pretty sick. I get alot of weird looks and strange comments – “what the hell is that thing?” is a pretty common one. Pretty much anyone picking me up on the hitch hike back up thought I was nuts.
Make no mistake- this powsurfing stuff is for real. I cannot believe how much fun I had. No desire to even ride my snowboard in this type of terrain. I can’t wait for next time.
chillin at the backside tree about to drop in.
Buzz helped me out and did a little filming for a run – this made the riding much better for me without a backpack and a camera in my hand. I will post the footy asap.

Will Powdersurfing change the world? Maybe… Will it replace snowboarding? No. Does it make you feel like a little kid when you do it? Yes. Is it incredibly fun? Yes. Is it here to stay? Hell yes.

I am proud to be a part of nurturing this new sport and helping push the possibilities. I think that we have something truly unique here that may help shape the future of winter board sports. In my opinion, the advantages our boards offer over existing bindingless snowsliders is unique and completely legit. Our audience is somewhat limited to those with access to powder – but the possibilities for progression are endless.
Introducing “Grassroots Powdersurfing”. A line of powdersurf boards for all types of riders. This is NOT “noboarding”, this is not “snowskating”… it is “Powdersurfing”. A unique sport heavily influenced by snowboarding, skateboarding, and surfing.
All who have tried these boards are instantly hooked. And for good reason. There is so much fun to be had and so many possibilities.
I will be updating this blog as often as I can and will be linking to a previous blog containing Powdersurf related entries that I have logged over the past 3 years. I have poured countless hours into creating the best boards I can with my resources. Countless hours documenting adventures with photo and video. Blood, sweat, tears, time, and money sacrificed to try to make this into something we can share with like-minded people.

The forcast called for 1 to 3 inches and it decided to snow 2 feet instead. I cancelled the sled plan and cruised on up to the mighty Beav. Grings and I tested the front and decided to head on back to the backside for the day. It got deeper and deeper every run. Free refills at the beavis!
We slashed 3 or 4 of the classic backside runs and hitched our way back to the resort. Ross picked us up on one of our runs. He was bringing his lady up for a taste of the beav.
By 3 oclock or so I decided it was time to lose the bindings and take some powdersurf runs. I was worried about it being too deep, but my powdersurf board was actually floating better than my snowboard.
It was almost “too deep for the beav” but I was able to get enough speed to catch a few face shots. Tasty pow.

Peep the POV action…

The forcast called for 1 to 3 inches and it decided to snow 2 feet instead. I cancelled the sled plan and cruised on up to the mighty Beav. Grings and I tested the front and decided to head on back to the backside for the day. It got deeper and deeper every run. Free refills at the beavis!
We slashed 3 or 4 of the classic backside runs and hitched our way back to the resort. Ross picked us up on one of our runs. He was bringing his lady up for a taste of the beav.
By 3 oclock or so I decided it was time to lose the bindings and take some powdersurf runs. I was worried about it being too deep, but my powdersurf board was actually floating better than my snowboard.
It was almost “too deep for the beav” but I was able to get enough speed to catch a few face shots. Tasty pow.

Peep the POV action…

The day wouldn’t be complete without taking some powsurf runs. I tested the new foam decks out here and they passed the test. A little weird in the air but they carved like a hot knife thru butter.
Slashing on the powdersurf boards will never get old.

High speed bindingless Ollie….scary.