Powsurfing with the Powder Day Saints – The first powsurf video ever created!
My friends and I slashing powder in the mountains of Northern Utah our custom handmade powder surfboards.
Riders and videographers: Jeremy Jensen, Craig Stevenson, and Brock Bitton
Shot during the winters of 2006-08.
*** This was the first powsurf video footage EVER released! We held tight on this footage for many years, waiting for the time to be right to show the public. We knew people and companies would be quick to rip us off.. and yes we were absolutely correct on that as we look back on this day (Feb 26 2025). So we waited until we had a production run of boards and a website before releasing this. It didn’t gain much traction.. as social media had not really got going at the time of this release. But it was rad to throw down a time stamp on what we created. This was posted to my personal youtube account only! I should upload to the Grassroots Powsurf official account as it’s priceless times and priceless footage!
I’ve had to come back to these blog posts and re-link the videos because of some type of glitch.. so I’m adding a few comments here and there on the posts and they are shown after the *** as I look back on this 18 years later. -Jeremy Jensen