Skeats Skin Cleats are small, light and packable crampons for your Splitsurfer, Approach skis, Splitboard or Touring Skis. They are super light, easy to pack and quickly strap to the base of your skis or boards in seconds. Skin cleats will give you significant extra traction while skinning up the fall-line. Excellent traction for icy, steep climbs. They will also help for performance on icy sidehill slopes.
For excellent traction while maintaining your glide choose the 105mm Glide Cleats!
– Fewer switchbacks! The spikes on the Skeats skin cleats give your skins much greater grip and allow you to make skin tracks that do not require nearly as many switch backs. Think of ascending the slope in an elongated and partial S, as opposed to a Z. This should allow you to move more efficiently over slick terrain without side-hilling as much. We have been rounding out our skin tracks to avoid side-hilling and to take a straighter line up the fall line.
Skeats are ideal for our Splitsurfers as well as for the Drift Approach skis, helping with both uphill travel on extremely steep & icy skin tracks as well as improving sidehill performance.
View this video for a demo on how the Skeats skin cleats attach to your splitsurfer, splitboard, skis or approach skis.
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