Tag Archive for: binding-free

Jeremy Jensen Ollies his Grassroots Powsurfer in the Utah Backcountry.

While some of the world hunkered down to prepare for armageddon, the Grassroots crew headed into the hills to celebrate the solstice the best we know how, by enjoying life to the fullest.  A fresh couple of feet had fallen over the past couple of days and the skies turned blue for us.  The shortest day of the year brings seriously epic light on a bluebird day.. long shadows and cold smoke conditions made this one extra special.

The new Powsurf Compatible Cheetah Racks are absolutely bomber. So hyped on this setup!

Mike Lane, a good friend from back in the day was in town from Santa Cruz.  Lane has been surfing non-stop out there for a few years now and he was back to test his skills on the snow.  Lane slayed the steeps and threw in a few good ollies in the process.

Clack! Mike Lane popping ollies in the Utah duff.


Lane with a pow-eating grin.

Powsurf Slash

Lane only had a couple of powsurfing days under his belt but he ripped it like a veteran.  There was no second guessing or hesitation when we hit the steeper slopes, just fearless charging and big smiles at the bottom.  While the snowpack was relatively shallow, there is no complaining about fresh cold smoke on a bluebird day.  We seized the day and made the most of what we had to work with, slashing every slash in sight, and popping every fun button.  We milked every last bit of sunlight and left stoked.   So hyped on a new season of exploring possibilities and celebrating a new take on a familiar past time. Happy Solstice!

Jeremy Jensen lining up a couple of ollies.

Powder 8’s on the sled are always fun.

Jeremy Jensen, JJ Thomas, and Scotty Arnold about to surf some powder.

Jeremy Jensen, JJ Thomas, and Scotty Arnold ready for action in the PC neighborhood backcountry

After a few big hammer pow days in the backcountry it was time for a mellow day.  I linked up with Scotty Arnold and JJ Thomas in Park City to check out a rad little surf zone that JJ’s girl had found for us. Beth Anne has a good eye for powsurf zones!  The snow was shallow but we made the most of it and had a killer time slashing the gauntlet for a few runs and seshing the mini catwalk hits.


The 6 inch crusty “base” and 5 inches of fluf on top was pretty challenging but that’s all part of the fun of powsurfing.  JJ and I rode the Powder Sluts and Scotty tried out the Bullet 140, a great board for riding shallow pow. We burned a couple quick laps and that pretty much tracked up the skinny guantlet run.  Stoked for that thing to fill in so we can give it a proper slashing another time.

JJ had to roll out and take care of his lady…birthday celebrations the previous night were taking their toll on the poor girl.  She was a trooper, guiding us to the zone and snapping some pics along the way. Big thanks Beth Anne!

Scotty and I poked around for some bumps to pop off of. We found a little catwalk trail that kept us busy for a couple of hours.  Simple pleasures!!

Shuvits were popped, and kickflips were kicked and stomped.

It was so much fun riding with these boys. So rad to see people just pick up powsurfing and start killing it..even in sketchy conditions.  Big smiles and big fun.  Thats what it’s all about.

Kickfliping into shallow tracked up pow is not easy. Somehow I rode away clean on this one.

Scotty finding a deep (relatively) spot!

Turns out JJ snowboards goofy footed and powsurfs regular footed. The man has skills!

Scotty popped a big ollie and stomped a solid pop shuv after just a few tries.  The kickflip was next and he was determined to ride out clean.  He landed bolts numerous times and rode a couple out for a few feet.  Landing on ice and dirt is not easy.  The skills and determination that this guy has are gonna continue to blow minds for years in both snowboarding and powsurfing.  So stoked to have Scotty on board.

This kids’ got pop!

We are stoked to have the support of more and more shops around the world.  Salty Peaks has been a leading retailer in the industry for decades and we are proud to have our products on the shelves and in the museum.  Check the Salty Peaks interview with Jeremy Jensen (founder/owner) of Grassroots Powdersurfing, pics and videos here!



Bryan Iguchi on Grassroots Powsurfer

Bryan Iguchi can hold his own on any board.  He kills it when it comes to snowboarding, skateboarding, surfing, and of course… powdersurfing.  The man is a straight up legend on so many fronts.  We are stoked to have Bryan backing our boards!  Peep this quick run in the JH backcountry with The Guch and check his blog post here.

pow surf 20122912 from bryan iguchi on Vimeo.

“Treeline” is a Backcountry.com project dedicated to bringing you an elevated perspective—spotlighting the designers and craftsmen whose passion evolves the outdoor lifestyle. Grassroots Powdersurfing is stoked and proud to be working with Backcounty.com.  They have supported us since our early days years ago and this means a lot to us. Big props to them for believing in what we do. Click here to check out the Backcoutnry Treeline Project.  Check out the feature on Grassroots Powdersurfing below. Click Images to view full size.






Newborn Snowskate Magazine is born! This new magazine out features snowskating and all types of binding-free snow riding. Newborn is packed full of great imagery, artwork, interviews, product reviews and more. We are proud to be a part of issue #2.  Below is an interview with Jeremy Jensen, creator and owner of Grassroots Powdersurfing.

Click on images to view full size.


Grassroots founder and creator sits down with Ed from Buoloco.com to talk about the future of powsurfing and binding-free riding.

Read the article here  –  http://www.buoloco.com/web6/content/powsurfing-jeremy-jensen


For decades we dreamed of riding powder without the need for bindings. Now we are living that dream.