Tag Archive for: surf

Kronicle Magazine Article featuring Jeremy Jensen, shaper and owner of Grassroots Powdersurfing.

If you haven’t checked out Kronicle backcountry snowboard magazine yet then you are missing out.  This is a great magazine, packed full of mouth watering photography, backcountry gear reviews and great stories.  This mag is geared towards people who love exploring the backcountry and riding fresh pow. We highly recommend buying a copy or two of their print material and following them online.  Last week Jeremy Jensen, owner/creator of Grassroots Powdersurfing sat down with Kronicle Magazine to talk about the history of Grassroots and what the future holds for binding-free riding.  Click the link below to check it out, and don’t forget to subscribe to their feed, their facebook page and their print mag.  You will be glad you did.


“Treeline” is a Backcountry.com project dedicated to bringing you an elevated perspective—spotlighting the designers and craftsmen whose passion evolves the outdoor lifestyle. Grassroots Powdersurfing is stoked and proud to be working with Backcounty.com.  They have supported us since our early days years ago and this means a lot to us. Big props to them for believing in what we do. Click here to check out the Backcoutnry Treeline Project.  Check out the feature on Grassroots Powdersurfing below. Click Images to view full size.