“Transformer” and “Classic” Split-surfers Available for Pre-Order
We are proud to introduce our 2016-17 Split-surfer models.
There are two different models available and both are available by PRE-ORDER ONLY. Orders can be made by clicking here or contacting [email protected] with your inforimation and 50% deposit by September 15, 2016.
We have multiple binding solutions available, each with give and take in terms of lightness/packability vs performance. Your binding decision should be based on the type of terrain you ride and hike in, and the type of riding you plan to do on your powsurfer. See below for the breakdown and description of binding options and pricing.
Our Split-surfers are a solution that will work great for some riders, but unnecessary for others. It really depends on the terrain that you frequent and the type of access you have. For tours that cover a lot of terrain and travel through very deep snow the split-surfer is a great solution. However, often times shorter roadside hikes and smaller sections of terrain can be lapped easily on a boot pack for more bang for your buck. Use of Verts (special style of snowshoe available in our web-store) is the most efficient for these areas and use of a split-surfer would result in a lot of time changing modes and fiddling with equipment, whereas with a solid powsurfer and Verts you would spend that time riding and having fun.
Left: “Classic” Model Split-surfer (powsurf only) Right: “Transformer” Model Split-surfer (powsurf & snowboard modes)
There are two models of the split-surfer to choose from.
The “Classic” model is strictly a powsurfer, meant to be ridden at all times without bindings. The bindings on this model are only used for uphill travel.
The “Transformer” model has the option of both riding with or without the bindings. This board is designed for best performance as a powsurfer (no bindings). The “snowboard mode” (with bindings) is secondary to this in our design. “Snowboard mode” is meant for getting through areas with adverse snow conditions on the way down, making long sidehill traverses, and riding out long packed trails on the way down. It could also be used to access backcountry via ski resorts.
**It’s important to know that riding the board on hard pack snow will be different than a regular snowboard because of the 3-dimensional base and the shape/profile of the board. They also do not have metal edges. These are characteristics that make it excel as a powsurfer, and that is it’s number one purpose. Riding the board in powder conditions with the bindings is great, but hard pack and icy conditions it could be more difficult to ride than a traditional snowboard, especially because of the 3-D base profile.
Board Shape & Size Options
140cm Slasher 3D shape
150cm Barracuda 3D shape
Binding Choice
It’s important to consider the terrain and conditions that you ride/hike in when determining which binding is best for you. The full size bindings such as the Light Rail binding will give you the best performance in both ascent mode and snowboard mode but they will take up a lot of room in your pack as you ride down in powsurf mode.
The smaller and more packable binding options will not give you as good of ski pressure when side-hilling on steep and hard-packed trails on the ascent. But if you are blazing trail in fresh snow or skinning up soft-packed trails they will work just fine. Also when riding in snowboard mode the soft binding options are obviously not going to perform as well as a proper snowboard binding so descending with those could be challenging at times depending on the snow conditions.
There are a few choices of bindings with varying degrees of functionality and there are pros and cons with each binding style so make your choice accordingly.
Split-surfer Options & Pricing
Classic Model – board only = $749 (includes Voile Kit Installed)
Transformer Model (powsurf & snowboard modes) board only = $919 (Includes Voile Kit Installed and Custom Removable Traction Pads)
*** I need your stance width and angles for this model ***
Binding Options Prices & Descriptions
Spark R&D Arc Bindings = $385 3 lbs. Medium sized (smaller than Light Rail) and will easily fit into medium/large pack
** Best performance in snowboard mode (transformer model only) and for edge leverage on steep, packed or icy side-hill skin tracks.
** Solid performance with any boot. Remove highback for less weight and better packability
Light Rail Bindings = $275 4 lbs. Large but ok to fit into a medium/large pack.
** Best performance in snowboard mode(transformer model only) and for edge leverage on steep, packed or icy side-hill skin tracks.
** Solid performance with any boot. Remove highback for less weight and better packability
Voile Heel & Toe Strap, metal heel cup binding= $160 2.3 lbs. Small & easily packable
* Good/Fair performance in snowboard mode (transformer model only).
* Good/Fair edge leverage on steep, packed or icy side-hill skin tracks.
**Best performance when used with a snowboard boot. Side-hill performance drops if using sorrels or softer boot
Plastic/Nylon strap/heelcup soft binding = $110 1.2 lbs. Very small & easily packable
* Marginal edge leverage on steep, packed or icy side-hill skin tracks. Leverage increases when using a snowboard boot and decreases if using sorrels or softer boot.
* Avoid icy and steep sidehills with this model.
Voile plate and pins for your own binding/straps = $60
**For some people the split-surfer is a great option but for many the solid powsurfers and a pair of Verts or a Mtn Approach Kit is a better answer. It all depends on your backcountry access routes and the terrain you frequent the most.
We will need information from you such as model choice, Goofy/Regular, stance angles, stance width and shipping/billing info.
If the Split-surfer is not the solution for you, browse our online shop to find the best powsurfer and mode of backcountry travel to fit your needs.